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1. Personal Information



Dr.Y. Mallikarjuna Reddy




 B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D






Phone Number

 +91 8632324774.

Mobile: 98482 30433, 9949359336.

Google Scholor https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=y4Z-U4YAAAAJ



2. Academic Information


Name of the Degree

Name of the College

Name of the University

Year of Passing


 Ph.D Osmania University, Hyderabad Osmania, University  Hyderabad 2009  Radar Signal and Image Processing 
 M.Tech  JNTUK, Kakinada   JNTUK, Kakinada 1990  ECE (I & CS)  
 B.E Osmania University, Hyderabad Osmania, University  Hyderabad 1987 

Electronics & Communication Engineering



3. Experience (Teaching/Industry/R&D)





Name of Organization




1 12-08-2010  Till date Principal   VVIT, Nambur, Guntur                                       10 Years   5  Months
2  02-07-2007  11-08-2010 Vice Principal VVIT, Nambur, Guntur 3 Years
3  01-07-2006 01-07-2007 Professor  & Head NIET, Sattenapalli 1 Year
 4  07-07-2005   30-06-2006 Professor  & Head LBR College of Engineering, Mailavaram 1 Year
5 27-12-2001  06-07-2005 Professor  & Head Vignan’s Engineering College, Vadlamudi                        

3 Years 6 Months

6 13-03-2001 26-12-2001 Professor Jyothishmathi Inst. of Tech. & Science, Karimnagar 10 Months
7 11-08-1990 12-03-2001 Lecturer / Sr.Lecturer / Asst. Professor  RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur 10 Years 7 Months


4. Publications


International Journals





Name of Journal

Issue No

Vol No

Page No


1 Image Fusion of Remote Sensing Images using ADWT with ABC Optimization Algorithm 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 11 8 - 2278-3075
2. GWDWT-FCM: Change Detection in SAR Images Using Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform with Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering. 2018 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-018-0901-0, November 2018 (Springer journal)
 -  -  1-12  0255-660x
Change Detection in Sarimages Based on Artificial Bee Colony Optimization With fuzzy C - Means Clustering
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),
November 2018 (SCI Journal)
4 7 156-160 2277-3878

Influence of optical filtering on transmission capacity in single mode fiber communications


Frontiers of Optoelectronics

(Springer journal)

4 7 424-430 2095-2767

Effect of Optical Filtering for Error-free Transmission in Optical Networks

2014 International Journal of Computer Applications 10 100 18-23  0123-4560

Optical Filtering along with Pre-emphasis Driver in Long-haul Optical Networks

 2014 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering  7  5  1-6 2045-7057

Effect of Optical Filtering for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems

 2014 Nanoscience and nanotechnology letters (SCIE journal)  10  6 10-14  1941-4900
8  Hi - Fi Alert Security System Through GSM Wrist Watch – Device  2013 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)  4  2  582-585  2278-0181
9 Real time vehicle ignition and door locking system by using mobile SMS text  2012 International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engg.  -  2  23-26 1694- 2310
10 Poly-semantic Radar Signal Design Using Neural Networks   2012 International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engg.  -  2  101-105 1694- 2310
11 Data Compression Techniques on video applications in real time environment  2012 International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engg.  -  2  19-22 1694- 2310
12 Investigation on Spatial Filtering to Increase Information Carrying Capacity in Single Mode   Optical Fibre Communications  2012 International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engg.  -  2  - 1694- 2310
13 A Novel Method for Identifying the Keyless Authentication Entry System using Mobile for Auto Mobiles (CAR).
 2012 International Journal of Computer Applications. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.  7  51  6-12 0975 - 8887
14 SAR Data Processing using Range Cell Migration  2011 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol.3 No.1, pp388-398, Jan2011.  1  3  388-398 2141-2839
15 Multiple Target Detection for High Resolution Doppler Radar  2011 IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Singapore,Vol.3, No.5, pp.497-504, 2011  5  3  - 1793-8236
16 Radar Waveform for High Resolution Doppler Radar Target Detection  2010 International Journal of Electronics & Telecommunication and Instrumentation Engineering, India.   1  1  32-44 2249-684X
17 Mono-alphabetic   Poly-semanticism for High Resolution Radar Signal design  
IACSIT, International Journal of Engineering and Technology
 3  2 238-244 1793-8236
18 Radar Signal Design for Multiple/Distributed Target Detection 2010 International Journal of  Engineering Science and Technology. 8 2 3797-3807 2141-2839

Mono-alphabetic Poly-semantic Sequence Design For HRR Target Detection

2010 IACSIT, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,Singapore. 3 2 238-244 1793-8236
20 Multiple Target Detection for HRR Signal Design  2010 International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Singapore   2  2  141-148 1793-8236
21 Design of poly-alphabetic ternary sequences for target detection in  high resolution   radar systems  2010 Institution of Engineers (India)(IE(I)) –Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg., Kolkata, India.   -  90  -  --
22 Optimal signal design approach for high resolution radar  2009 International Journal on Electronic & Electrical Engineering, U.S.A.  7  5  7-12  -
23 Design of Bi-alphabetic Sequences for High Resolution Radar   Systems  2009 Technia – International Journal of Computing Science and Communication Technologies,  Panipat, Haryana, India.  1  2  336-342  -
24  Design of Radial Basis Neural Network  Filter for Radar Pulse Compression and  Sidelobe Suppression  2007 Modeling, Measurement & Control – J AMSE, FRANCE.  1  50  78-90  -
25 Radial Basis Neural Network Filter for Pulse Compression and Sidelobe Suppression in High Resolution Radar Systems  2006 Enformatika Journal, Quarterly.  -  18  --  -
26 Staggered PRF MTI System Performance Analysis.  1995 AMSE Periodicals FRANCE. – Modeling, Measurement & Control.  3  66  1-16  -
27  Design consideration of m-level staggered PRF unit for MTI RADAR using Asynchronous MOD-Counter  1993 AMSE Periodicals FRANCE. – Modeling, Measurement & Control.  4  52  39-48  --
28 Generalized Differential Encoder for Data Transmission through Remote Sensing Satellites  1993 Institution of Engineers (India)(IE(I)) –Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Kolkata, India   -  74  8-11  --


International Conferences





Name of Proceedings

Page No

 1 Investigation on Spatial Filtering to Increase Information Carrying Capacity in Single Mode Optical Fiber Communications  2013 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT).  1-5

Analysis of Spatial Filtering to Enhance Transmission Capability of Single Mode Optical Fibers

2013 IEEE International conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems(ICICES). 619-622

Review of Speckle Filtering in Polarimetric SAR Images

2011 International Radar Symposium IRS 2011 at Leipzig, Germany.  ---

SAR Data Processing Using Range-Doppler Algorithm with Range Cell Migration

2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2011 organized by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society at Vancouver, Canada.  --
5 Polarimetric SAR Image Speckle Reduction 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2011 at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.  --

An Efficient Method of Processing SAR Images

2011 International Conference on Machine Intelligence Application to Power, Signal Processing, Communication and Control MIPSCCON 2011 at GMRIT, Rajam.  -
7 Radar Waveform design for High Resolution Target Detection   International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Comm. and Computing, IEEE Computer Society, India. 446-450
8 Radar  Signal  Design for High Resolution Multiple Target Detection 2010 International Conference on signal processing and Communication Systems,RVR and JCCE, India 52-54

Performance Analysis of Poly-semantic Sequence for High Resolution Doppler Radar

2009 IEEE International Conference TENCON, Singapore, IEEE Explore 11-16
10 Mono-alphabetic Signal Design for Improved Target Detection in High Resolution Radar Systems 2009 International Conference,  IEEE INDICON 2009, Ghandi Nagar, India.  -

Poly-semantic binary pulse compression codes for HRR target detection

2009 International radar Symposium, IRSI-09, Bangalore. IEEE Explore. 87-91
12 Performance Analysis of Poly-semantic Sequence for High Resolution Doppler radar 2009 IEEE TENCON 2009, IEEE Technical conference on convergent technologies for the Asia-Pacific, P 0808 P.No.104, Singapore.  -

Design of Bi-alphabetic Sequences for High Resolution Radar Systems

2009 International Conference on SCI (ICSCI – 2007), Hyderabad. 470-476

Poly-alphabetic radar signal  processor for efficient target detection

2007 International radar Symposium, IRSI-07,Bangalore. 30-34

Mismatched Filter using Neural Networks for Sidelobe Suppression in High Resolution Radar

2007 International Conference on SCI (ICSCI – 2007), Hyderabad 61-67
 16 Ternary poly-alphabetic signal design for efficient target detection in High Resolution Radar systems  2006 IEEE - International symposium on microwaves, ISM-06,  Bangalore.  80-88
17 Correlated  Radial Basis Neural Network Filter for Pulse Compression and Sidelobe Suppression in High Resolution Radar 2006 International Conference on  Modeling and Simulation, p.no. A052, 28-30th August 2006, Konya, Turkey  -
18 Design of Radial Basis Neural Network Filter for Pulse Compression and Sidelobe Suppression in High Resolution Radar 2006 7th International radar Symposium-IRS 2006, Poland.  --


 5. Membership in Professional Bodies



Name of Professional Society

Membership No

Membership Info (Life/Fellow/Ordinary)

 1 Life Member in Institute of Engineers – MIE 115694/7  Life Member 

Life Member in ISTE – MISTE 

LM 8015 Life Member 


6. Training / Conferences / Seminars / Summer School / Winter School / Workshop attended





Conducted At

1 2014 Campus-Connect Program, An Infosys Industry Academia partnership program Infosys Limited,  Hyderabad 
2 2013 Two day workshop on ‘Rajiv Yuvakiranalu” program organized by JNTU Kakinada, 2013. JNTU Kakinada
3 2013 NBA workshop on Training for resource persons and Evaluators on outcome based Accrediation  VRSEC Vijayawada.
4 2013 one day workshop on “Vedic Mathematics'  Sri Sringari Sarada Peetam, Guntur.
 5  2012 Wipro Mission10X FEP at SCREC   Wipro Technologies, Hyderabad
 6 2011 New Paradigms in the Accreditation system Aassan educare private limited, Chennai, at Vijayawada
 7 2009 FLI course C18 on digital signal processing  IUCEE ( Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education at Infosys, Mysore. India 
 8 1996 Induction training course of AICTE  Academic Staff College Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
 9  1994 ISTE Summer school on Signals and Systems   JNTU college of Engg. Ananthapur.


7. Training/Conferences/Seminar/Summer School/Winter School / Work Shop Conducted






Sponsoring Agencies

1 2006 Conducted an ISTE –STTP course on “VLSI Design”  22th May– 27th  May 06. Organized by LBR College of Engg, Mylavaram
2 2005 Conducted a short term course on “Cellular & Mobile Communications” 28th Nov – 2nd  Dec 05 LBR College of Engg, Mylavaram
 2003 Conducted a short term course on “Probability Theory& Stochastic Process”                  12th May – 16th May 2003 Organized  by Vignan’s Engg. College, Guntur.

8. Books Authored


Title of the Book

Publisher Name



1 Signals and Stochastic Processes  Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad. First 2017
2 Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad. Third 2015
Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad Second  2013
4 Electromagnetic Fields Golden Era Publications, Guntur Second 2013
5 Probability Theory and Stochastic Process Golden Era Publications, Guntur Fourth 2013
6 Probability Theory and Stochastic Process Golden Era Publications, Guntur Third 2013
7 Probability Theory and Stochastic Process Cengage Learning, Hyderabad Second 2011
8 Probability Theory and Stochastic Process Cengage Learning, Hyderabad First 2010
9 Seven books as study material on engineering subjects for Center for Distance Education, Acharya  Nagarjuna University (ANU). Guntur     2009
10 A Text of Business Mathematics Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi    

 9. Projects

(i) Supervised various hardware and software projects on Wavelets, Neural Networks,

           Communications, Speech & Image processing, Radar etc. for Ph.D,  M.Tech and B.Tech students.


        (ii)  Supervisor for Guiding Ph.D students recognized by JNTU Kakinada, JNTU Hyderabad, and  Rayalaseema University.

(iii)   Presently Supervising three  Ph.D students  under JNTU Kakinada and  Rayalaseema University.

10. Best Teacher Award

             (i) Best Teacher award in ECE dept on overall academic performance in the year 2004 and 2005 by Vignan’s Engineering College, Vadlamudi, Guntur.

     (ii) Best Teacher award in ECE dept for the subject PTSP  in the year 2007 by NIET .





Route Map

Address and Phone

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
Nambur (V)
Peda Kakani (Md)
Guntur (Dt)
Andhra Pradesh

9951 023 336
9849 542 336
