Google Developers Code labs are top-of-the-line Computer labs optimized for group work and mobile development. They will be installed at 2 college campuses across India.
The purpose of these labs is to help maintain interest in product/application development beyond our initial trainings, as well as serving as an incentive for the host Universities to be involved in our training program. We want these labs, like the course, to be available to as many people as people, so we’re primarily considering campus locations that are part of very large state-run Universities.
These labs will be funded entirely by Google, including maintenance and IT support through the end of the skilling initiative. At the end of our initiative, the CodeLabs space and equipment will remain the property of the host college/university.
Code Lab Be Used For
The primary use of these spaces will be to host our curriculum on
- Machine Learning /AI
- Mobile Development
- Web Development
- Cloud/Analytics
- IoT

and train-the-trainer sessions for said curriculum.. Otherwise they will be open for use by the college as regular computers labs, although Google reserves the right to use them for special programming, such as
- Hackthons
- GDG/WTM meetups
- Faculty refresh courses on our curriculum
- Short prigramming workshops, on other Google products
- Design workshops, in partnership with UIF
- Event live-stream viewing parties
- Launchpad startup events
- Speaker Series – Distinguished speakers from Industry/Academia (Hands on curriculum to be developed based on the talk given by the speaker)