



Campus Life


Exam Cell




Officially Charted by ACM on 06th November 2017  with the following Chapter officers
Name Role Designation Membership ID
Dr. B. Sai Jyothi Faculty Sponsor Associate Professor, Dept. of IT  0743276
T. Devendar Reddy Chair Student, III CSE D 2422289
M. Bhargava Vice Chair Student, III CSE B  4165073
N. Sai Kumar Secretary  Student, III IT  4936459 
B. Leelasai Kumari Treasurer Student, III CSE B 3270957
B. Likith Ram Web Master Student, III IT 0384013
P. Aravind Membership Chair Student, III CSE C  2335096

For the events organized by the Chapter reach us at

 Website link: http://acm.vvitguntur.com/

ACM Membership Certificate IT dept

Officially Charted by ACM-W on 13th November 2017 with the following Chapter officers
Name Role Designation Membership ID
Mrs B. Lakshmi Praveena Faculty Sponsor Assistant Professor, Dept. of IT 8469489
Alekhya kasavajjhala Chair Student, III IT 8139329
Rahitya Desu Vice Chair Student, III CSE A 3837953
SriDevi Chadalawada Secretary  Student, III CSE A 0860801
Srilekha Vuyyuru Treasurer Student, III CSE D 5908503
Rahithi Srinadharaju Web Master Student, III IT 2535856
Divya Anumala Membership Chair Student, III CSE A 1422276


ISSA student chapter has been charted officially on 10th September 2018

Institutional Membership ID


Name of Sector & State


Faculty Advisor         

:Ms. T. Jaya Lakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of IT

Number of students registered


Inauguration is scheduled in the first week of December 2018 with three days workshop on cyber security.

 ISSA Certi

Website link: http://issa.vvitguntur.com/

Chapter Officers




Ms. T. Jaya Lakshmi

Faculty Sponsor

Associate Professor, Dept. of IT

Sai Kumar Natukula


Student, III IT

Sravya Pranathi Bhimavarapu

Vice President

Student, III CSE A

Likith Ram Bodagala


Student, III IT

Alekhya kasavajjhala


Student, III IT

Rahithi Srinathraju

Public Relations Chairperson

Student, III IT

Computer Society of India (CSI) student chapter on 31.10.2013 in the auspicious presence of Dr. D V L N Somayajulu Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, of National Institute of Technology, Warangal 

CSI Inaguraiton pic 2013

List of CSI Activities
S. No. Academic Year Name of the Event Topic Speaker of the Event No. of students
1 2017-2018 Guest Lecture Art of Ethical Hacking Mr. Benild Joesph 265
2 Technical Contest Code A Thon, Technical Quiz, Poster presentation Department Faculty 400
3 2 Day Guest Lecture Engineer vs R Programming Dr. Sirisha Kasinadhuni 303
4 2 Day Workshop Software Craftsmanship Mr. Unnam Kishore Babu 280
5 Code A Thon Coding contest for II year through hackerrank Department Faculty 100
6 Technical Quiz Technical Quiz on C, DS, OS, Java Department Faculty 144
7 2016-2017 One Week training User Interface Design Mr. A. Prashant 52
Mrs. G. Rama Devi
Mrs. P. Pavani
8 Two Week Workshop Android Fundamentals Dr. P. Sudhakar 60
Mr. M. Naga Sriharsha
9 Technical Quiz Technical Quiz Department Faculty
10 Guest Lecture Hadoop & Big Data Mr. T. Rajesh 350
11 Code A Thon Coding contest for II year through hackerrank Department Faculty 100
12 2015-2016 Workshop PIG & HIVE Mrs. Lakshmi Ladiya 161
13 Code A Thon Coding contest for II year through hackerrank Department Faculty 100
14 Contest Technical Contest Department Faculty 250
15 Guest Lecture Agile Methologies M. Sreenivas 200
16 2014-2015 Technical Quiz Technical Quiz on Operating Systems Department Faculty 110
17 Guest Lecture Complex Queries on Multiple Tables Dr. J. V. Rao 195
18 Code A Thon Coding contest for II year through hackerrank Department Faculty 100
19 Seminar Recent Trends in Mobile Adhoc Networks Dr. Garimella Rammurthy 120

Route Map

Address and Phone

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
Nambur (V)
Peda Kakani (Md)
Guntur (Dt)
Andhra Pradesh

9951 023 336
9849 542 336