1. Personal Information
Name |
Dr. V.Rama chandran |
Designation |
Professor & HOD |
Qualification |
Department |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Phone Number |
+919441410285 |
Google Scholar Link | https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=Zy0uw6gAAAAJ |
Researchers IDs
Scopus : 56879815100 ORCID : http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3857-8145 WoS : E-7627-2016 publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2285961/vedantham-ramachandran/ |
2. Academic Information
Name of the Degree |
Name of the College |
Name of the University |
Year of Passing |
Specialization |
Ph.D | Acharya Nagarjuna University College of Sciences | Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nambur | 2017 | Image Processing |
M.Tech CSE | StAnn's College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala | JNTU , Kakinada | 2012 | CSE |
B.Tech | SRKR Engineerig College, Bhimavaram | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam | 1997 | CSE |
PG Diploma in J&MC | Madurai Kamaraj university | DDE,MKU,Salem | 2018 | Journalism & Mass Communications |
3. Experience (Teaching/Industry/R&D)
Period |
Designation |
Name of Organization |
Experience |
From |
To |
1 |
14 Nov 2008 | Till Date | PROFESSOR | VVIT,NAMBUR | 11 Years |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
4. Publications
International Journals
Title |
Year |
Name of Journal |
Issue No |
Vol No |
Page No |
1 | Attribute Based Multifactor Authentication For Cloud Applications | 2012 | IJCA: International Journal Of Computer Applications | 80 | 17 | 37-40 | ISBN: 973-93-80878-37-5 0975 – 8887 |
2 | A Pattern Ontology based medical image retrieval | 2012 | International Journal for Computer Science & Technology Research (IJCST) | 2 | 3 | 93-99 | ISSN: 0976-8491 (Online) ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print) |
3 | A comprehensive Radiographic Database Image Retrieval system for computer aided diagnosis | 2012 | International Journal for Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology Research | 3 | 1 | 91-104 | ISSN(Print):2249-6831 ; ISSN(Online): 2249-7943 |
4 | Medical Image Retrieval System based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm with user relevance feedback | 2012 | International Journal for Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology Research. www.tjprc.org |
3 | 1 | 69-90 | ISSN(Print):2249-6831 ; ISSN(Online): 2249-7943 |
5 | Facial expression classification system with Emotional back propagation artificial neural network | 2013 | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | 10 | 4 | 383-390 | 2229-5518 |
6 | A Customized Search Engine for user Search Goals using CAP Algorithm | 2014 | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology | 10 | 3 | 6-10 | 2278-0181 |
7 | An Enhanced Facial Expression Classification System Using Emotional Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network with DCT Approach | 2015 | International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research | 4 | 5 | 7080-7085 | (Print):2249-6831; ISSN (Online): 2249-7943 |
8 | A novel Facial Expression Classification System using Emotional Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network using Genetic Algorithm | 2015 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 17 | 10 | 38583-38588 | ISSN 0973-4562 |
9 |
ANN based Facial Clustering Technique using PCA and DCT approaches
2015 | International Journal of Advanced Research & Innovative Research | 18 | 7 | 3638-3641 | 2348-2370 |
10 | Provision of an Effective Approach for Offering Improvised Results of Search Technique | 2016 | International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research | 1 | 4 | 22-26 | 2347-3878 |
11 | Facial Expression Classification with Enhanced Feature Extraction using Particle Swarm Optimization and Emotional Back Propagation Neural Networks SCOPUS indexed |
2016 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) © Research India Publications, Scopus Indexed. |
10 | 11 | 6911-6915 | ISSN 0973-4562 |
12 | Facial Expression Classification with Enhanced Feature Extraction using PSO EmBPNN DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IJCCIE.EAP616011 |
2016 | International Journal of Computing, Communications & Instrumentation Engg. (IJCCIE) |
2 | 3 | 316-320 | ISSN 2349-1469 EISSN 2349 |
13 |
A Secure Symmetric Key Broadcast Encryption (SKBE) for Sharing data Over Dynamic Group Members |
2016 | International Journal of Engineering Research and Development(IJERD) | 5 | 14 | 73-77 | ISSN:2455-2631 |
14 |
Facial Expression Recognition based online Counseling
2017 | IJCCIE | 6 | 2 | 45-50 | 2455-2631 |
15 | FER Based Student Satisfaction Assessment in Online Learning http://dx.doi.org/10.23956/ijcsser |
2017 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering(IJARCSSE) | 5 | 7 | 298-304 | E-ISSN: 2277-128X ISSN(Print): 2277 6451 |
16 | Real Time Facial Expression Recognition in Video Using Nearest Neighbor Classifier Scopus Indexed |
2018 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM) | 7 | 118 | 849-854 | ISSN: 1311-8080 |
17 | Ambiguity level assessment for large corpus using Embedded POS tagger with DNFC parameter Scopus Indexed |
2018 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM) | 9 | 118 | 507-511 | ISSN: 1311-8080 |
18 | A Blended Biometric Approach Using Matching Score Level Architecture | 2018 | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | 6 | 12 | 777-780 | E-ISSN:2347-269 |
19 | Morphology based Tense Aspect Disambiguation for sentences in Telugu to English Translation | 2018 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | 8 | 2S | 51-58 | ISSN:2278-3075 |
20 |
A novel approach to FER using PCA, Gabor wavelets and LBP
2018 | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), | 8 | 2S | 444-448 | ISSN: 2278-3075 |
21 | Re-colored Image Detection by Inter-Channel Correlation by Deep Learning Approach | 2019 |
International Journal of Research
8 | 3 | 1887-1895 |
E-ISSN: 2236-6124,
22 | A Blended Biometric Approach Using Matching Score Level Architecture | 2019 | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | E-ISSN: 2347-2693 | |||
23 | A robust feature extraction with optimized DBN-SMO for facial expression recognition | 2020 |
Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) Springer Journal,
79 | 16 | DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-08901-x | |
24 | An effective stress detection technique based on social interactions in networks | 2020 | Journal of Engineering Sciences (JES) | 11 | 5 | 682-686 | ISSN:0377-9254 |
25 | A Blended Biometric Approach Using Matching Score Level Architecture | IJCSE (DOI) | 6 | 12 | 787-800 | E-ISSN: 2347-2693 https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/ v6i12.787790 |
26 | Novel Robust Feature Extraction with Optimized Deep Belief Network for Face Expression Recognition | 2020 | Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) SPRINGER [Free SCIE] | ||||
27 | A Real Time Frame work for AI Based Hand Gesture Recognition | 2020 | IJGDC | 13 | 1 | 2792 -2805 |
ISSN: 2005-4262 (Scopus)
28 | An enhanced earthquake prediction model using long short-term memory | 2021 | TURCOMAT | 12 | 14 | Scopus | |
29 | Adaptive Increasing-Margin Adversarial Neural Iterative System Based on Facial Expression Recognition Feature Models | 2021 | Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) SPRINGER [Free SCIE] | ||||
30 | Intrusion Detection Using an Ensemble Deep Learning Approach | 2022 | IJFANS International Journal Of Food And Nutritional Sciences | 11 | 12 | Online 2320-7876 | ISSN PRINT 2319- 1775 (UGC Care List-I ), https://doi.org/10.48047/IJFANS/V11/I12/198 |
31 | A Systematic Approach to Detect Parkinson’s Disease using Traditional and Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques | 2022 | IJFANS International Journal Of Food And Nutritional Sciences | 11 | 12 | Online 2320-7876 | ISSN PRINT 2319-1775 https://doi.org/10.48047/IJFANS/V11/I12/217 |
32 | Facial emotion recognition on video using deep attention based bidirectional LSTM with equilibrium optimizer | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) SPRINGER [Free SCIE] | 1 - 31 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14491-1 | ||
33 | Recurrent Residual Puzzle based Encoder Decoder Network Model (R2-PED) Model for Retinal Vessel Segmentation | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) SPRINGER [Free SCIE] | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16765-0 |
International Conferences
Title |
Year |
Name of Proceedings |
Name of Institution Organized |
Page No |
1 | Ultrasound lung images automatic annotation | 2012 | International Conference on Computer Science & Information Technology (ICCSI) | ICCSI,Bangalore | 15-21 | ISSN (ONLINE): 2231 - 0371, ISSN (PRINT): 0975 - 7449 |
2 | A Secure File Handling System using Modified Hash Based indexing | 2014 | International Conference on Advances in Soft Computing & Communication Technologies (ICASCCT) | Vignan Institute of Technology & Sciences, Hyderabad | 264-266 | ISSN: 2229-3515 |
3 | Innovative Cost-Effective Intranet-Based Chatting System using Android Wi-Fi | 2014 | 3rd International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and Future Directions | Amity University, Noida, UP. | CSI & IEEE UP Chapter | |
4 | Facial Expression Classification with Enhanced Feature Extraction using Particle Swarm Optimization and Emotional Back Propagation Neural Network | 2016 | International Engineering and Technology Research Congress (IETRC-16) | Eminent Association of Pioneers (EAP), Antalya, Turkey |
ISBN:978-93-84422-65-9 http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IJCCIE.EAP616011 |
5 | FER Based Student Satisfaction Assessment in Online Learning | 2017 | ISBN:978-93-84422-42-4 http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IAE.IAE0314 |
6 | Modified backpropagation neural network for facial expression classification using principal component analysis and ridgelet transform | 2017 | 2017 International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions (ICCI-2017) | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,UP, India | ISBN:978-981-13-1134-5 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Springer, AISC series DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-1135-2_14 |
7 | Mood-based on-line learning | 2018 | International Conference on Recent Trends & Automation (ICRTA-2018) | VVIT,Nambur | 57 | ISBN:978-81-938236-9-9 Scopus indexed |
8 | Morpology based Tnse Aspect Disambiguation for sentenses in Telugu to English | 2018 | International Conference on Recent Trends & Automation (ICRTA-2018) | VVIT,Nambur | 52 | ISBN:978-81-938236-9-9 Scopus indexed |
9 | Anovel approach to FER using PCA, Gabor Wavelets and LBP | 2018 | International Conference on Recent Trends & Automation (ICRTA-2018) | VVIT,Nambur | 63 | ISBN:978-81-938236-9-9 Scopus indexed |
10 |
A Naive Bayes Classifier for Detecting Unusual Customer Consumption Profiles in Power Distribution Systems – APSPDCL
2019 | International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) | JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore | on 9th January 2019 at Coimbatore. [ IEEE indexed ] | |
11 |
A Novel Encryption using Genetic Algorithms and Quantum Computing with Roulette Wheel Algorithm for Secret Key Generation
2019 | 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2019) | Hotel Vivanta by Taj, Goa, INDIA. |
12 |
Human Action Detection using Deep learning Techniques
2020 | 4th International Conference on ICT for intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2020), | on Digital Platform, Ahmadabad, India, | Springer |
National Conferences
Title |
Year |
Name of Proceedings |
Name of Institution Organized |
Page No |
1 | An unnamed aerial vehicle model for disaster analysis | 2013 | National Conference on Image Processing & its Applications | VVIT | 81-87 | |
2 | A Real Time Framework for AI Based Hand Gesture Recognition | 2020 | 2-DAY National E-Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computing Systems in Engineering (EECSE-2020) | VVIT |
5. Membership in Professional Bodies
Name of Professional Society |
Membership No |
Membership Info |
1 | Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) | 55412 | Life Member |
2 | Computer Society of India (CSI) | 01233551 | Associate Member |
3 | Association of Computing Machinary (ACM) | 3654531 | Professional Member |
4 | The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC) | 19256 | Member |
5 | International Associaion of Engineers(IAENG) | 197669 | Member |
6. Training/Conferences/Seminars/Summer School/Winter School attended
Year |
Title |
Conducted At |
Other Information |
1 | 2018 | 4-Day "Deep Learning with TensorFlow and R-Programming Language" | Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil,Tamilnadu | sponsored by School of CSIT, CSI | ||
2 | 2018 | One week FDP on "Applied Cryptography" | VVIT,Nambur | Meity, GoI, E&ICT, NIT Waranal sponsored | ||
3 | 2018 | IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certification Program( IIEECP) during Jan-July 2018 | IUCEE virtual LMS portal Canvas Instructure (On-line) | endorsed & organized by APSSDC in association with IUCEE & IGIP | ||
4 | 2018 | 2-day Train-the-Trainer program for Induction of Government Employees | APHRDI,Bapatla | |||
6 | 2018 | Competitive Coding by using E-Box | VVIT,Nambur | AMPHISOFT INC., CHENNAI | ||
7 | 2018 | Unity 3D Gaming Software Training | VVIT, Nambur | sponsored by UNITY 3D Inc., Hyderabad | ||
8 | 2017 | A 5-Day Oracle Academy sponsored workshop on “Java Fundamentals and Java Programming” | VVIT | ORACLE Academy jointly with APITA | ||
9 | 2017 | A 3-Day IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certification Program(IIEECP) | KL University, vaddeswaram, Vijayawada | Pre-Phase-I training program, organized jointly by APSSDC and IUCEE | ||
10 | 2017 | 4-Day Workshop in Teaching Learning Studio under University Innovation Fellows | Cowrks, Bangalore | Sponsored by STANFORD UNIVERSITY, GOOGLE INC.& APSSDC | ||
11 | 2017 | A 1-Week Workshop on Data Analytics with R | VVIT,Nambur | conducted by VVIT in Association with NITW | ||
12 | 2016 | A 3-Day workshop on " Advancedments in Cloud Computing Services & its Applications" | Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering & Technology(ALIET), Vijaywada | conducted by ALIET in Association with NITW | ||
13 | 2016 | A 4-Day workshop on Cloud Computing by CCICI | Siemen's Center of Excellence in VVIT | its a Faculty Improvement Program(FIP), Sponsored by APSSDC | ||
14 | 2015 | 21-day Training Program on GEO Spacial Technologies | Acharya Nagarjun University,Nambur | Sponsored by DST | ||
15 | 2015 | 3-Day Workshop on LABVIEW | VVIT,Nambur | National instruments | ||
16 | 2014 | 2-day workhop on Big Data Analytics | Acharya Nagarjun University, Nambur | Conducted by University College of Engineering | ||
17 | 2013 | 3-day workhop on Image Processing & Its Appications | Acharya Nagarjun University,Nambur | Conducted by University College of Engineering | ||
18 | 2013 | A 2-Week Workshop on "Research Methodologies in Computer Science" | VVIT,Nambur | |||
19 | 2013 | A 2-day workshop on "Big Data Analytics" | RVR&JC College of Engineering, Guntur | |||
20 | 2013 | A 1-Day Workshop on Vedic Mathematics & its Computer Science Applications | Sarada Kalapitham,Guntur | |||
21 | 2013 | A 2-Week Workshop on "Innovative Teaching Learning Methodologies" | VVIT,Nambur | |||
22 | 2013 | A 2-Day Seminar on "Service-oriented Architecture Web Services" | Lakkireddy Balireddy College of Engineering (Autonomous), Mylavaram, Vijaywada | |||
23 | 2013 |
A 1-Week on “ Network Security & Computer Forensics”
VR Sidhartha Engineering College (Autonomous), Vijaywada |
TEQUIP-II sponsored Faculty Development
24 | 2012 | A 2-Week Workshop on "MATLAB" | VVIT,Nambur | |||
25 | 2008 | A 2-Day workshop on "System Security for Computer Professionals" | Vignan University,Vadlamudi | |||
26 | 2007 | A 2-Day National workshop on j2ee & web technologies | Vignan Engineering College, Vadlamudi | |||
27 | 2005 | A 1-week short term learning program on Artificial Neural Networks | Vignan Engineering College, Vadlamudi | |||
28 | 2004 | A 1-week short term intensive program on Digital Image Processing and its Applications | Vignan Engineering College, Vadlamudi | |||
29 | 2004 | A 3-Day national workshop on "Essentials of RUP & fundamentals of Rational Rose" | Vignan Engineering College, Vadlamudi | Sponsored by Rational University, USA | ||
30 | 2019 | A one week workshop on “Empowering Teachers in 21st Century Education”, | Conducted at NIT TRICHY | spponsored byFINLAND LABS | ||
31 | 2020 | National Level FDP on tools of ON-LINE class room post COVID-19 | PVPSIT, under CSI | codegnan-IT, attended online | ||
32 | 2020 | one week national level FDP on AI | Chalapati Institute of Technology, JNTUK | association with Brian-O-Vision Pte.Ltd., attended online | ||
33 | 2020 | A 3-Day Workshop on learning path to frontend web and mobile application development | SVR College of Engineering, Kurnool | attended on digital platform |
7. Training/Conferences/Seminar/Summer School/Winter School Conducted
Year |
Title |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agencies |
1 | 2023 | Convenor | Feb 2023 | International Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology VVIT & SOLETE |
1 | 2022 | Best Professor Award & Vidya Vaibhava Rathna Award |
-- |
Lalitha Kala Seva Samithi, Hyderabad |
2 | 2022 | Reviewer | 4th - 6th Nov 2022 | 7th International Conference, CVIP - 2022 |
3 | 2021 | International Engineering Educator | 6 Months | IUCEE - IIEECP & APSSDC (IGIP, Under University of Austria 2021) |
4 | 2019 | Session Chair | 4th - 5th March 2019 | RACE - 2019 |
5 | 2016 | Resource Person | Jan 2016 | NCERT - 2016 @ GVR & S |
6 | 2015 | Resource Person | -- | APHRDI, Bapatla |