Google Scholar Page
1. Personal Information
Name |
Dr. P. Ravi Kumar |
Designation |
Associate Professor |
Qualification |
Ph.D |
Department |
ME |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Phone Number |
8639990583 |
2. Academic Information
Name of the Degree |
Name of the College |
Name of the University |
Year of Passing |
Specialization |
JNTU Kakinda | JNTU Kakinada | 2019 | Vibration Analysis of FG Rotating Beams | |
M.Tech | University College of Engineering | JNTU Kakinada | 2008 | Machine Design |
BE | University College of Engineering | Andhra University | 2000 | Mechanical Engineering |
3. Experience (Teaching/Industry/R&D)
Period |
Designation |
Name of Organization |
Experience |
From: |
To: |
1 | 19-07-2024 | Till Date | Associate Professor | Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology | 6 Months |
2 | 27-06-2019 | 12-06-2023 | Associate Professor | Bapatla Engineering College | 4 Years |
3 | 28-06-2008 | 26-06-2019 | Assistant Professor | Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology | 11 Years |
4. Publications
International Journals
Title |
Year |
Name of Journal |
Issue No |
Vol No |
Page No |
1 | Flapwise Vibration of Functionally Graded Rotating Tapered Beam with Tipmass | 2022 | Sigma Journal of Engineering and natural Sciences | 3 | 40 | 640–648 | 1304-7191 |
2 | Multi response optimization of process parameters in wire-cut EDM on INCONEL 625 | 2021 | Materials Today: Proceedings | 19 | 47 | 6960–6964 | 2214-7853 |
3 | Effect of Taper on Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Rotating Beam by Mori-Tanaka Method | 2018 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C | 5 | 100 | 729–736 | 2250-0545 |
4 | Diagnosis of Misalignment in Overhung Rotor using the K-S Statistic and A2 Test | 2018 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C | 1 | 99 | 79–86 | 2250-0545 |
5 | Flapwise Vibration of Rotating Functionally Graded Beam | 2017 | Materials Today: Proceedings | 1 | 2 | 3736-3744 | 2214-7853 |
6 | Free vibration analysis of functionally graded rotating beam by differential transform method | 2017 | Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences | 2 | 24 | 107-114 | 0971-4588 |
7 | Stress analysis of six layered FRP composite Cylinder | 2011 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 19 | 6 | 2243-2250 | 0973-4562 |
National Journals
Title |
Year |
Name of Journal |
Issue No |
Vol No |
Page No |
International Conferences
Title |
Year |
Name of Proceedings |
Name of Institution Organized |
1 | Flapwise Vibration of Rotating Functionally Graded Beam | 2016 | 5th International conference on Material Processing & Characterization (ICMPC-2016) | Dr. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and technology, Hyderabad |
2 | Failure Analysis of a Composite Cylinder | 2012 | International conference on Recent advances in mechanical engineering (INCRAME-2012) | Dr. M.G. R. Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai |
National Conferences
Title |
Year |
Name of Proceedings |
Name of Institution Organized |
1 | Analysis of Crack Propagation In Rotating Shaft of Rotor Using Vibration Monitoring An Experimental Approach | 2015 | National Conference on Condition Monitoring – 2015 | Naval Science and Technological Laboratory, Visakhapanam |
2 | Analysis of A Composite Cylinder using Finite Element Modelling | 2011 | National conference on Recent advances in mechanical engineering (NCRME) | RVR & JCOP Engineering College, Guntur |
5. Membership in Professional Bodies
Name of Professional Society |
Membership No |
Membership Info (Life/Fellow/Ordinary) |
1 | ISTE | LM102512 | Life Member |
2 | IAENG | 242853 | Ordinary |
6. Training/Conferences/Seminars/Summer School/Winter School attended
Title |
Conducted by |
Year | Other Information |
1 | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of technology, Vijayawada | December 2024 | 2 Weeks |
2 | Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning for mechanical engineering | Gudlavalleru Engineering College | March 2023 | 1 Week |
3 | Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning for mechanical engineering problems | Vishnu engineering college for women, Bhimavaram | March 2022 | 1 Week |
4 | Emerging Technologies in Electric Vehicles | Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla | August 2021 | 2 Weeks |
5 | Institutional Bench Marking of Best Practices | Shree Mallikharjun & Chetan Manju Desai College, Canacona | June 2020 | 1 Week |
6 | Applied Impact Mechanics | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | November 2018 | 1 Week |
7 | Optimization using MATLAB | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh | October 2017 | 1 Week |
8 | Modelling, Simulation and Product Design Practices in Engineering | National Institute of Warangal | July 2017 | 1 Week |
9 | Advanced Manufacturing Methods through ICT | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh | October 2015 | 1 Week |
10 | Industrial Automation through ICT | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh | October 2015 | 1 Week |
11 | Fluid Mechanics | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur | May 2014 | 2 Weeks |
12 | Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics | VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada | July 2012 | 2 Weeks |
13 | Instructional Design and Delivery | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research | June 2009 | 1 Week |
14 | Design of Experimental setups for Engineering Practice | National Institute of Warangal | September 2008 | 2 Weeks |
7. Training/Conferences/Seminar/Summer School/Winter School Conducted
Year |
Title |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agencies |
1 | 2022 | International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies (MEET 2022) |
2 Days | Bapatla Educational Society, Bapatla |