The departments of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering have made a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with the Orange Research Labs, Hyderabad today.

The Orange Research Labs Industries, #702B, Topaz Complex, Somajiguda, 500082, Telangana, shortly known as ORL, signed the pact with VVIT for IOT applications in real time systems. The departments of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electronics and Communications Engineering can utilize these Labs for their academic, development and research purposes. The ORL CEO Mrs Archana Rao informed that they are very happy to get in agreement with VVIT, which always ponders about the wellbeing their stakeholders. She also commended the efforts of VVIT for maintaining a healthy and hearty relationship with Industries for the utmost benefit of their students and faculty. She showed belief that this MoU will make strengthen the bondage between VVIT and ORL prospectively.
Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, of VVIT, said that, MOUs hold a lot of prospective power between Institutions & Industry to have seriousness and mutual respect to strengthen the ties. Dr.Reddy, stated that this is a wonderful opportunity for the students belonging to the department of EEE and ECE of VVIT. Dr.Reddy also stated that the students can be able to start their research in their respective interest from the B.Tech level onwards. Dr.Reddy said that two MOUs were made with ORL Industries; one is on ORL Launch pad and another on ORL makers’ garage.Dr. K. Giri babu, HOD/ECE & Dr. A. V Naresh Babu, HOD/EEE who led the MoU event, informed that ORL Industries established in the year 2010 at Hyderabad and an active leader in startup ecosystem and technology enabler for various start-ups today. ORL Industries have profound expertise and experience on Internet of Things (IoT), Embedded Systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. They also gave details of the MoUs they made with the ORL in a detailed manner.
Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, of VVIT, said that, MOUs hold a lot of prospective power between Institutions & Industry to have seriousness and mutual respect to strengthen the ties. Dr.Reddy, stated that this is a wonderful opportunity for the students belonging to the department of EEE and ECE of VVIT. Dr.Reddy also stated that the students can be able to start their research in their respective interest from the B.Tech level onwards. Dr.Reddy said that two MOUs were made with ORL Industries; one is on ORL Launch pad and another on ORL makers’ garage.Dr. K. Giri babu, HOD/ECE & Dr. A. V Naresh Babu, HOD/EEE who led the MoU event, informed that ORL Industries established in the year 2010 at Hyderabad and an active leader in startup ecosystem and technology enabler for various start-ups today. ORL Industries have profound expertise and experience on Internet of Things (IoT), Embedded Systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. They also gave details of the MoUs they made with the ORL in a detailed manner.