The Two months Summer Internship Programme for fresh engineering graduates on industry-ready technologies, is concluded today 23rd June 2018, at Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Nambur, under the aegis of its Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Center (APSSDC)-Siemens’ Center of Excellence.

Sri Vasireddy Vidya Sagar, Chairman of VVIT, informed that this summer internship program was conducted for 2018 passed out Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical Engineering graduates, in industry oriented technologies in a vision to strengthen their skills to swiftly befit to the industry requirements over the others.
Sri Sagar informed that the Mechanical Engineers were given training on CNC Programming & Machining and Computer Aided Design while the Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering students were trained in Industry Automation. The training program was conducted in a precise manner to fill the necessary technological gaps in the relevant areas. The theoretical and hands-on practical sessions were conducted for the trainees by utilizing the state-of-the-art Siemens Center of Excellence laboratories. The adept resource persons from the DesignTech trained the students. Sri Sagar commended the laudable efforts of APSSDC in making the youth skillful via these kinds of programs.
Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Principal of the host institute, VVIT, in this regard, informed that this kind of training programs will update and fulfill their thirst for advanced technology. Dr. Reddy also stated that through these sessions the fresh engineers will get awareness on various cutting edge technological aspects which are in dire need of the industry today. Dr.Reddy also stated that these kinds of programs will make the engineers achieve their Graduate Attributes of the Programme successfully.
Dr.Naveen Ravela, Director, APSSDC-Siemen’s Center of Excellence-VVIT, said that 38 fresh engineering graduates from nearby engineering colleges have completed the training in this 2-months summer internship. He said that the fresh graduates have actively participated in this training and strongly believed that the objectives were achieved. He emphasized that this industry-oriented training will make the participants smoothly take-off in to their respective professions.

The participants from various engineering colleges expressed their deep felt gratitude towards the APSSDC and Siemen’s Center of Excellence crew for organizing this 2-months program in an impeccable manner. The students have commended the efforts of VVIT for making it successful by providing a favorable environment to learn from the experts all around India.
During the felicitation program Principal of the host institute distributed the Internship Completion Certificates to the participants.
Chairman of VVIT, Sri Sagar, Administrative Secretary Sri S.Badari Prasad, Principal Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, APSSDC-Siemens CoE-VVIT-Director Dr. Naveen Ravela, along with the trainees participated in this valedictory event.