In our campus, a Guest Lecture on “Indian Power Scenario and Energy Conservation in the Thermal power plants", for the Engineering students & faculty is conducted on 14.12.17 under the aegis of its Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department. On the occasion of World Energy Conservation Day, this Guest Lecture is organized and Sri. B. Ravi Kiran, Divisional Engineer (DE) from Dr. NTTPS, Ibrahimpatnam, acted as the Chief Guest and Resource Person.

VVIT always motivates its students to experience many advanced seminars & workshops to imbibe the knowledge in a comprehensive manner, which helps them to be aware of Societal Bottlenecks in Technology and also to befit themselves in the hardening industrial needs of today. This seminar will help upcoming engineers to become knowledgeable in the Indian Power Scenario while exploring Energy Conservation in the Thermal power plants.
After formally inaugurating the event, Chief Guest Sri Ravi Kumar, discussed about the problems currently being faced by the Indian Capital City New Delhi with the dangerous levels of pollution and its root causes from Industrial and Transportation conventional energy sources utilization. Sri Ravi illustrated various scenarios of replacing conversional energy sources with non-conventional sources such as Solar, to create awareness among the students. He also enlightened the students to utilize energy optimally and efficiently. He said that Energy conservation promotes economic and environmental sustainability which is the back bone of every nation. Sri Ravi emphasized that by conserving energy we can maintain our natural resources for the posterity. He also addressed several recent changes in climatic conditions which caused due to non-Energy conservation and high-levels of carbonic emissions.
The chief guest appreciated the efforts of VVIT for organizing this kind of advanced Techno-Social Awareness Guest lectures and Seminars for the students and faculty in the nearby institutions. He commended the students for being active learners throughout his lectures. Dr. A. V. NareshBabu, HOD, EEE shared his views along with the guest and addressed several innovative means of conserving the energy in an efficient manner. Dr. Y. Mallikharjuna Reddy, Principal VVIT appreciated the EEE department for conducting this kind of program to create awareness among students.
Chairman Sri Sagar, along with other management members felicitated the Chief Guest and scholarly resource person, Sri. B. Ravi Kiran, Divisional Engineer (DE), NTTPS, Ibrahimpatnam, as a token of respect for his precious lecture.Sri Vidya Sagar, Chairman, Sri Badari Prasad, Secretary, Sri SreeKrishna, Joint Secretary, Dr.Y.Mallikarjuna Reddy, Principal, Dr. A. V. NareshBabu, HOD, EEE and the entire Faculty, students of EEE Department participated in this Guest Lecture.