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1. Personal Information



Dr G.Krishna Mohan






Computer Science and Engineering


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2. Academic Information


Name of the Degree

Name of the College

Name of the University

Year of Passing


 Ph.D   Acharya Nagarjuna University 2014 Software Reliability
M.Tech PVP.Siddhartha Institute of Technology JNTU, Kakinada 2009 CSE
 M.C.A R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering Acharya Nagarjuna University 2000  


3. Experience (Teaching/Industry/R&D)





Name of Organization




14/09/2022  till date  Professor Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology  3 months
2 01/06/2017 04/06/2022   Professor KL University  5 years
3 19/06/2014  01/06/2017  Associate Professor KL University  3 years
4 31/08/2010 19/06/2014  Reader P.B.Siddhartha Collge  4 years
5 06/08/2002  31/08/2010   Lecturer P.B.Siddhartha Collge  8 years
6 03/07/2000 30/04/2002  Lecturer Bapatla Engineering college  2 years


4. Publications


International Journals





Name of Journal

Issue No

Vol No

Page No


A Scalable classifier Using B-Tree Indexing  2009  International Journal on Computer Engineering and Information Technology  12  26-33 0974-2034
2 Software Process Control - Yamda Imperfect debugging model 1  2010  International Journal of Computer Engineering and Computer Applications  1  3  01-07 0974- 4983
3 A Tabular approach for frequent item set mining  2011  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science  1  2  191-197 0976-5697
4 Time Domain-based Software Process Control using Weibull Mean Value Function  2011  International Journal of Computer Applications  18  3  18-21 0975 - 8887
5 SPC For Software Reliability: Imperfect Software Debugging model.   2011  International Journal of Computer Science Issues  3  8  219-224 1694-0814
 6 Interval domain software process control – Goel-Okumoto  2011  International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science  2  1001-1004 2079-2557
 7 Detection of reliable software using SPRT on time domain data  2011  International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications   4  1  92-99 2230-9616
 8 Detection of reliable software using SPRT on Interval domain data   2011  International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems  3  2  86-93 2222-2863
 9 Detection of reliable software using SPRT-Exponential imperfect debugging 2011  International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  8  2  60-63 2156-5570
10  Software Reliability using SPC and Weibull order statistics 2011 International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications  4  1  1486-1493 2248-9622.
 11 Interval Domain-based Software Process Control using Weibull Mean Value Function 2011 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security  2  1  150-155 2249 - 9555
12 Software Reliability: an order statistics approach Using SPC 2011 International Journal of Computer Applications 6 35 23-27 0975 – 8887
13 A Comparative Study of Software Reliability models using SPC on ungrouped data 2012 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering  2  2  110-115  2277 128X
14 Control Chart Procedure for Software Reliability: Inflection S-Shaped Model 2012 International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering  6  3  1228-1232 2278–4209
15 Software Reliability using SPRT: Inflection S-shaped Model 2013 International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management 6 2 349-355 2319-4847
16 Exponential two-step approach for time domain-based software process Control 2013 International Journal of Computers & Technology  2  777-786  2277–3061
17 A two-step approach for parameter estimation of software reliability 2013 International Journal: Computer Science and Engineering.  7  1  16341-16344 2229–712X
18 Exponential software reliability using SPRT: MLE 2013 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering 13 2 36-41 2278-8727
19 Two-step approach for Software Process Control: HLSRGM 2013 International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science 4 2 1-7 2278-6856
20 Two-Step Approach For Software Reliability: HLSRGM 2013 International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 10 4 3575-3579 2231-2803
21 SPRT -Two step Approach: HLSRGM 2013 International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology 5 4 277-284 0976–6367
22 InflectIon s-shaped model: Order Statistics 2013 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 12 4 1791-1797 2229-5518
software Process Control on Ungrouped data: Log_power Model
International Journal of Software Engineering
1 5 1-7 2180 – 1320
International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research
2 3 166-170 2277 – 5668
International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends
1 6 37-42 2249-2593
26  HLSRGM Based SPRT: Order statistics 2014   International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology  2  3  123-127  2278-5299
27  SPC and Order Statistics: Log-power Model  2014  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research  21  9  9971-9982  0973-4562
28 Software Reliability using SPRT: Log Power Model 2014  International Journal of Academic Research and Review  9 2 25-32 2347-3215
29  Software Reliability Using SPRT: Power Law Process Model 2014
International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering
 4  3 446-454  2277-1956
 30 SPC on Ungrouped Data: Power Law Process Model  2014
International Journal of Software Engineering
 1  5  7-16 0974-3162
 31 SPC and Order Statistics: Plp Model  2015
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
 4  10  10985-10994  
 32 Test Report Generation Using JSON  2015
International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
 5  63-70  
 33  Assessing Software Reliability: Order Statistics  2015
International Journal of Applied Theoretical Science and Technology
 2  41-45  
 34 Software Process Control on Time Domain Data: Rayleigh  2015
International Journal of Engineering Research And Management
 8    2349- 2058
35 Rayleigh - Two Step Approach for Software Reliability Using SPRT  2015
International Journal of Scope of Computer Research
 8 25-33   2320-0553
36 Goel-Okumoto Based SPRT: Order Statistics  2015
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
 4 30     
37 Software Reliability Estimation: Gompertz  2016 International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology  109-113  2278-9359
38  Efficient Data Aggregation Using Buffered Strategy To Prevent Congestion  2016 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security  11 14    934-943  1947-5500
39 A Bot Driven Framework for Testing Web Applications 2016 Asian Journal of Information Technology 20 15 3905-3911 1682-3915
40  Resource Scheduling in Signature Driven Load Management with Cloud Load Balancer  2016 Asian Journal of Information Technology  20 15   3918-3923 1682-3915
41 SPC Based Software Reliability Estimation: Duane Model  2017 International Journal of Sciences and Research  5  73  160-169 0032-423X
42 Collaborative fault identification in embedded software systems  2017 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics  6  115  67-72 1311-8080
43  Assessing Software reliability through search based technique  2017 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics  6 116   61-66 1311-8080
44 Assessing Software  Reliability using modified genetic algorithm: GO Model  2017  International Journal of Technology Research and Management  9 4  1-5 2348-9006
 45 SPC based software reliability using modified genetic algorithm: Go model  2017  International Journal of Research  10  4  1755-1767  2348-795X
46 SPC based Software Reliability using Modified Genetic Algorithm: Inflection S-shaped Model  2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications 11  29-41  2321-8363 
47  assessing software reliability using modified genetic algorithm: inflection s-shaped model  2017 International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management  8 12-17 2454-9150 
48 Analysis of QoS for PAT and EnOPATr System in WSN  2018  International Journal of Engineering & Technology  2 99-103   
49 An Advanced mapping bug reports to relevant files using distributed ranking model  2018 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics  14 119  1444-1447  1314-3395
 50 Software Reliability Estimation Using Modified Genetic Algorithm: Rayleigh Model 2018 International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences  5  8  127-132  2250-0588
51 modified genetic algorithm based software reliability using sprt:rayleigh model. 2018 International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research  4  5 17-25  

52 An Energy wise node selection mechanism in WSN (Node selection mechanism in WSN) 2018 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 24 118 1-10 1314-3395
53 Clogging Control Using PDNC In WSN (PDNC method for Clogging control) 2018 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 24 118 1-9 1314-3395
 54 Applying Distribution Functions to GWO Algorithm 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7   192-194.  
55  Assessment and Analysis of Software Reliability Using Machine Learning Techniques 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7   201-205  
 56 A review on localization techniques in WSN 2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7   759-763  
 57 An efficient localization scheme for mobile WSN 2018 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 25 8 86-89  
 58 Trust and Security to Shared Data in Cloud Computing: Open Issues 2019 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   8 117-126. 2194-5357
59  Efficient privacy protection for e-health records over mobile cloudlet based on advanced security mechanism 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 7 1286-1289.    
60 Improved pat protocol for data transmission in wireless sensor network 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 1   1015-1019.
61 Opinion mining for drug reviews 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 7 1314-1318  
62 Search engine optimization on big data 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 7 1294-1299.  
63 Cost Estimate Model for Software Projects using GREYWOLF Algorithm and COCOMO Model 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 4 8 7824-7828 2277-3878
64 Parameter Estimation Techniques of Software Reliability Growth Models: A Critical Research with Experimentation 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 4 8 7763-7770 2277-3878
65 Performance Analysis of the Mobile WSN for Efficient Localization 2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing   1016    
66 Cost Estimation Based On Artificial Bee Colony 2020 International journal of scientific & technology research  2 9 6197-6199 2277-8616
67 Cost Estimation Using Hybrid Algorithm 2020 International journal of scientific & technology research  2 9 6194-6196 2277-8616
68 Predicting heart disease using machine learning classification algorithms and along with tpot (Automl) 2020 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 4 9 3202-3210 2277-8616
69 Automated Bird Species Identification Using Neural Networks 2021 Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 6 25 5402 – 5407 1583-6258
70 Design of an Intelligent Hierarchical Level Structural Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems 2022 Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 1 36 93-103  
71 An intelligent multi-objective evolutionary model for establishing security in cyber-physical systems 2022 Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information 2 27 213-221  
72 A hybrid data perturbation and mean clustering approach based privacy preserving classification model for large databases 2022 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag        


National Journals





Name of Journal

Issue No

Vol No

Page No


 A Novel Approach of Efficient Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network  2016  Indian Journal of Science and Technology 48   0974-6846
 2 Two Step Approach For Software Reliability: Rayleigh  2015 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 7 2   3159-0040
Software Reliability using SPC: Gompertz 2016 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 3 3 4314-4318 2458-9403
 4 Gompertz based SPRT: MLE 2016 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2 86 266-271 1992-8645
5 Designing E-PAT method in WSN 2017 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5 12 7087-7092  1816-949X
 6 Navigation Usability Improvement by using Actual and Anticipated data 2018 Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 4 10 478-482 1943-023X
7 SPC based software reliability using Modified Genetic Algorithm: Rayleigh model 2018 Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 4 10 500-506 1943-023X
8 A Survey on Challenges and Future Perspectives in Big Data Using Cloud-Based Technologies 2018 Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 9 10 623-631. 1943-023X


International Conferences





Name of Proceedings

Name of Institution Organized

Page No


Adaptive Data Transmission in WSN Using Enhanced Path Assured Transmission Protocol  2016 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  Springer, Singapore.  263-277  ISBN978-981-10-1674-5, 468
 Apple leaf disease prediction using deep learning technique  2022  3rd International Conference on Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics (ICDICI 2022)  Springer Paper ID: ICDICI042.  


National Conferences





Name of Proceedings

Name of Institution Organized

Page No



Google Scholar
Scopus profile

5. Membership in Professional Bodies



Name of Professional Society

Membership No

Membership Info (Life/Fellow/Ordinary)

 1  IFERP Membership:  PMIN38549216   
 2  IRED Membership:  SNM10100059447   
 3  IAENG: International Association of Engineers  222002  


6. Training/Conferences/Seminars/Summer School/Winter School Attended





Conducted At

Other Information

1  2004 Crime & Security in Cyber Space  Montessori Mahila Kalasala, Vijayawada.  association with CSI,
 2  2006 Distributed Systems  P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Vijayawada.  
3  2006 Artificial Intelligence & Neural Networks Department of CSE, IT & MCA at Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada.  two day National Seminar
 4  2007 Business Intelligence P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science   sponsored by UGC
 5  2008 Changing Dynamics of IT Industry P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Vijayawada.  association with CSI
 6  2008 Knowledge engineering and Intelligent Information Systems P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, P.G.Centre, Vijayawada.  association with CSI 
 7  2009 Academic Developer Conference P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, P.G.Centre, Vijayawada.  association with Microsoft Corporation
 8  2013 Recent trends and developments in the field of Computer Vision V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, Vijayawada.   AICTE sponsored
 9  2014 Information Security Issues V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, Vijayawada.  TEQIP II SC 1.2 
 10  2017 Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions KL Deemed to be University.  IQAC
11 2018 Short Term Training Programme through ICT mode on “Organizational Behaviour”  National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, KOLKATA, established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.   from 12.11.2018 to 16.11.2018.


7. Training/Conferences/Seminar/Summer School/Winter School Conducted


  • SNO




    Sponsoring Agencies


    8. Ph.D supvervision

  1. Scholars awarded Ph.D: 2
    1. Devare Avinash Sitaram, ‘Development and Analysis of Urgent data using Enhanced path assured transfer system for wireless sensor network’. Regd.no: 14303082.
    2. Jampani Satish Babu, ‘Design of an optimized Intelligent system for security establishment in Cyber-physical system’. Regd.No:14303098.
  2. Scholars under submission: 1
  3. Scholars pursuing Ph.D: 2

  • 9.NPTEL Courses

    Course Score Course duration Organization Roll No Credits
    Computer organization and architecture: a Pedagogical aspect 82 Jan-Apr 2019 (12 Week course) IIT, Guwahati NPTEL19CS04S62260374 3 (Elite + Silver)
    Programming in Java 91 Jan-Apr, 2021 (12 Week course) IIT, Kharagpur NPTEL21CS03S24550532 3 (Elite + Gold)

    10. Faculty Development Programs
 1  “IBM Faculty development program” organized by Computer Society of India at P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada on 22nd November 2004.
 2 DST, Government of India, sponsored a Two-week Faculty development program ”Big Data Analytics” organized by the cloud computing research group, CSE, KL University, from 26th April 2016 to 6th May 2016.
 3 “Deep Learning with Tensor Flow”, organized by the Department of CSE, KLEF, Vaddeswarm on 29th & 30th of June, 2018.
 4 30 hours of Faculty Development program for “Oracle Academy course: Java Foundations”, on 20th July 2018.
 5 60 hours of Faculty Development program for “Oracle Academy course: Java Fundamentals and Programming”, on 7th December 2018.
 6 NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Computer Organization and Architecture: A Pedagogical aspect for 12 weeks, with a consolidated score of 82% from Jan-Apr, 2019.
 7 NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on “Programming in Java” for 12 weeks, with a consolidated score of 91% from Jan-Apr, 2021.
 8 Five-day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “FEDERATED LEARNING TOWARDS SMART SOLUTIONS FOR SOCIETY”, Conducted by the DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, in association with AICTE Margadarshan during 28/02/2022 - 04/03/2022.

11. Workshops Attended

 1   “Data Mining” organized by the departments of Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Applications at Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology on  28th December 2007.
“Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML” at V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College from 17th -19th October 2008.
3 “Enterprise Risk Management” organized by ISACA in association with CSI and P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Vijayawada Chapter on 23rd January 2010.
“Android: A New Frontier in the mobility revolution” at KL University in association with CSI on 17th March 2011.
“An Interactive Workshop on Natural Language Processing” at Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology on 8th December 2012.
"Scientometric Tools and Techniques for Research Analysis” organized by KL University, on 27th & 28th September 2014. 
7 "Model-Driven Engineering & Software Development” organized by KL University and sponsored by SERB, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, from 16th & 17th September 2016. 

Route Map

Address and Phone

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
Nambur (V)
Peda Kakani (Md)
Guntur (Dt)
Andhra Pradesh

9951 023 336
9849 542 336