With over 1300 local chapters in colleges all over India, National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is the largest non-profit organization offering online courses to students and faculty to improve the standards of technical education. NPTEL, an initiative of MHRD, Government of India in association with IISc and IITs rolls out courses designed and developed by eminent Professors online. The courses are designed to bridge the industry-institute gap and improve the teaching-learning process with outcome based education in colleges.

In the recently concluded July-December’17 semester, nearly 200 students and faculty of Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology Guntur have successfully completed various NPTEL courses. In recognition to this achievement, the local chapter of VVIT is placed among ‘TOP 100’ NPTEL local chapters of the country. This list is available at http://nptel.ac.in/LocalChapter/Assets/spoc_refdocs/Top100ratedLCs.pdf
During the recently held NPTEL SPOC felicitation cum awareness workshop at IIT, Madras on 25th Jan’18, Single Point of Contact (SPOC) of NPTEL Local Chapter at VVIT Prof.M.Y.Bhanumurthy received ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ and a ‘Plaque’ from distinguished Professors of IITs and the NPTEL team. The Management and Principal expressed their happiness for VVIT being conferred distinct recognition as one of the TOP 100 local chapters by NPTEL. Prof.M.Y.Bhanumurthy, SPOC said that active participation from students and staff in successfully completing the courses helped VVIT to achieve the recognition all over the country and expressed optimism that they would continue to better their performance in the days to come.